
Saturday 1 March 2014


It is literally an incredibly hectic week this week, even though I'm way too lazy to actually do what I'm supposed to get done, which is only making it even more hectic, just... in my head. Work experience is coming soon and I haven't sorted anything out. I know I'll get rejected from a bunch of places that only want university students, and all the other places I can think of are way too far away and expensive to travel to. Sixth form is so hard.

Not only is work experience stressing me out, but my English teacher has been *removed* from the school because apparently he's doing a terrible job with teaching us. Basically, we've got a new teacher and she's told us that loads of the stuff we've learnt is wrong, and we haven't learned the basic stuff we were supposed to be taught. Soooo everyone got really low grades in the mock exam and now I'm so annoyed because I wanna do well, despite my laziness.

But aaaaanyways, I tried out making these Popin Cookin waffle factory sweets and they were actually really nice, especially compared to the burger one. So that's pretty much the only productive thing I've got done lately. I wish school were more catered to my interests because then I might actually work on things. If it doesn't look cute, I don't wanna take part.

Really cute packaging, Amazon's finest.

Okay so mine look really disgusting but they tasted kinda nice so it's A-OK.

So overall I'm hoping school's gonna pick up and I can get back on track blah blah blah good grades actually learn something blah... But until then Iprobably just gonna sit around make weird looking food.

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